Smart Carbon Capture Solutions


We support the following non governmental organisations

Viva Con Agua

Viva con Agua is a network of people and organisations working for access to clean drinking water and basic sanitation for all people worldwide. With creative and cheerful actions, awareness is raised for the global issues of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH for short) and at the same time money is collected for access to clean drinking water. The NGO started with a group of friends from Hamburg. In the meantime, it has offices and locations not only in Germany, but also in Switzerland, the Netherlands, Austria, Uganda and, since 2020, in South Africa and California.

Foundation against Racism

The purpose of the Foundation is to promote international sentiments, tolerance in all areas of culture and the idea of international understanding. The Foundation realises its purpose in particular through the preparation, planning, implementation, coordination and follow-up of events for the annual UN Weeks against Racism, the publication of materials, posters, brochures, handouts, videos, etc. for the International Weeks against Racism. for the International Weeks against Racism, which are made available in particular to schools, sports clubs, church communities, municipalities and initiative groups, the promotion of model projects which are intended to contribute to overcoming anti-Semitism, anti-Gypsyism, anti-Muslim racism or racism against people of other skin colours and refugees, educational measures for the recognition of people of foreign origin and culture as well as the necessary public relations work.


People with impairments should be intensively supported in coping with life. Through its activities, Lebenshilfe wants to ensure that people with impairments can live as independently and normally as possible (in the sense of the normalisation principle) by means of individually tailored assistance.

To this end, it offers assistance and services itself and represents the interests of people with impairments in public and at political level. In addition, Lebenshilfe aims to protect the human rights of people with impairments in Germany.