Smart Carbon Capture Solutions


Music Instruments & Audio

We redefine equipment and accessories for musical instruments by using only upcycled materials, such as used fire hoses, spent coffee grounds, plastic coated papers (ToGo cups) , end of use garment and other natural fibres.

We proof to the industry, that perfect gear and accessories do not have to made from virgin wood or even plastic.

We understand, that we are using an agressive approach, but we learned that especially the music industry is open for change towards a cleaner environment.

Our brand Flame2Fame is a socially engaged company whose basic philosophy is to source recyclable materials, manufacture them into sustainable products in inclusion workshops and market these products to the general public.

We mainly produce in workshops for people with special needs. Wherever possible, we use green logistics to transport our products to our customers.

We have reached a radical turning point in history. The devastating effects on our nature and our social life are no longer acceptable.

It is time to cry out for social and ecological change.

Made by musicians for musicians, with nature in mind.

  • Flame2Fame Coffee Stand
  • Coffee Bass in Nature
  • Coffee Bass Loudspeaker
  • Coffee Bass & Guitar
  • Coffee Bass & Speaker
  • Jaya the Cat with Coffee Guitar
  • Mix

visit our Flame2Fame page